December 22, 2021
2022 Pricing Update
Oh my, what a time consuming fun idea it is to update the theme of our website. Surely there will be some learning curves for me, as I get to know our new features.
One of my favorite new features is the direct link to our prices on the home page. Not only is there a quick description of the prices, you can get all the details you need with one click. Next to the prices is a link to make a reservation at one of our clinics.
It is great that we can share pictures and information about us, right on the main page. Soon you will also be able to apply with A.P.E. right from a nice link on the home page.
The idea of updating our site is to get you the information you need, and make your visit rewarding. There will be some things that block our success, but your feedback will be incredibly helpful to eliminate any issues.
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