December 16, 2020
Our Fosters are Full! Learn Three Ways to Help
As you are all aware, Animal Protection and Education has found a building to make a permanent home base after being only mobile for 15 years. For the past month we have been raising money to help with the down payment for the building and the repairs and updates the building is going to need. We have raised almost $20,000 and are soooo close. We need your help to make the dream of having a permanent location become a reality. As of right now we are only short $13,000 and are on a tight deadline. We have helped over 20,000 animals in the 15 years we have been helping the communities of central Iowa. Think about how many more animals and families we will be able to help with this new building! Please consider giving a donation so we can continue to give back to the communities and the animals within the communities of central Iowa. No donation is too small and every little bit helps and is more than appreciated.
Below you will find the link you can use to donate:
Venmo app has lower fees! find us at United4ape@gmail.com
You can mail a check to: Animal Protection & Education PO Box 65 Paton, IA 50217
or donate via PayPal